The Power of Prayer


A simple prayer.

A hopeful thought.

A wish made to Jesus with a heart full of love and peace.


A meaningful moment with Jesus, time spent with the

King of All Kings, and Lord of All Lords,

Time well spent and impact to be experienced through meaningful answers.


Thanking Jesus for the opportunity to pray, to speak and get to know

The Powerful God Almighty—what a privilege just to know and spend

Time with Incredible You, Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior!


You are real and therefore our prayer life is real and powerful,

Destroying the enemies plots and plans, and offering up that which is good

And hopeful and joyful and loving-kind in Jesus.


A prayer for visible impact on many lives, for Your outcome,

For Your thoughts to be our thoughts, and our prayers to be Your Prayers,

For prayers of salvation, transformation, conflict resolution, and all doubts taken away.


A prayer for the power of Your will and glory to be real and for answers that come

Directly from Your love and agreement together for Your victory on Earth as

It is in Heaven. May Your glory be known forevermore to all people!


Yes, the power of prayer, praise, and worship to be experienced and practiced

Continually as we honor You, Holy God, day and night,

For all of the days of our lives! May Your Almighty Glory be known in Jesus! Amen!  - Teresa Herbic

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